Discovering Excellence: Our Favorite Outdoor Gear Companies

outdoor gear companies
Exploring the world of outdoor gear companies can be a thrilling journey. The market is full of creators, all forging their own course in this hig...

PNWBUSHCRAFT goes to the Fall Gathering at Georgia Bushcraft 2023

PNWBUSHCRAFT goes to the Fall Gathering at Georgia Bushcraft 2023
Do you ever just wish you could sit around a campfire with the best people and talk about anything and everything and just know someone will have a brilliant idea, great advice, or a hilarious story? 

L.T. Wright Knife Making Class - Blood, Sweat and Micarta

L.T. Wright Knife Making Class - Blood, Sweat and Micarta
I’m pretty sure I started by tracing out my knife on my 01 tool steel (that’s knife lingo) with the knife blank provided and then cutting it on the band saw of DEATH.  Okay, its not really called that but that’s what it felt like when I was staring at it waiting to take my turn.  I mean seriously, it’s a big machine with sharp teeth that was going to cut into my steel like it was butter.

Discovering the Uses: What is Waxed Canvas Used For?

what is waxed canvas used for
Have you ever wondered, what is waxed canvas used for? This fascinating fabric has been around for centuries, evolving from its humble beginnings ...

Essential Guide to Choosing Your Backpacking Fishing Gear

Essential Guide to Choosing Your Backpacking Fishing Gear
When it comes to backpacking fishing gear, selecting the right equipment can definitely give you the best fishing experience. This article is here...

10+ Camping Gear Gift Ideas for Outdoor Enthusiasts

camping gear gift ideas
If you’re familiar with PNWBUSHCRAFT, you’ll know that we love to celebrate the art of living in nature. We also know that shopping for camping ge...

Discover the Ultimate Tool Roll Bag for Outdoor Enthusiasts

tool roll bag
  When it comes to outdoor adventures, having a reliable and versatile tool roll bag is essential for keeping your gear organized and easily acces...