Have you ever needed a reason to get out and play more? 

Well, sometimes we do.  We find ourselves working all the time (because we love it) and then we realized that if we were able to think of our “adventures” as part of our work day then it was an awesome reason to get outside and enjoy nature more. 

 And that is where the story begins with PNWBUSHCRAFT ADVENTURES.


When we were presented with the opportunity to create our own show for a new outdoor streaming channel, we were excited, a little nervous and a little overwhelmed with such a huge project.  What would we be getting ourselves into?  What would we share with everyone?  How would we get everything done?... and the final question. 

Would it be fun?

Seriously, this is how we make decision in our family. 

Would it be fun to go on adventures and film it? 

Would it be fun to create something awesome to share? 

Would it be fun to have a reason to explore new places?   

Would it be fun to do this all with our family?


As you can guess the answer was YES!


So, we said “YES” and started planning our adventures.


Follow along on our journey as we navigate family, business, and life here in the Pacific Northwest on our PNWBUSHCRAFT ADVENTURES. 

You can find us streaming on Roku, AmazonFire and AppleTV with the "We Get Outdoors TV" app.  You can also find us on Youtube sharing a new episode Monday nights at 7pm PST  



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